Terms and conditions


Terms & Conditions

The following booking conditions cover all bookings with Travel Beyond, whether you book through the company’s website, phone, email, or any other way. The contract between Travel Beyond and all traveling members will only be valid after the buyer has accepted our Terms & Conditions and Travel Beyond has received the confirmation fee. By completing a reservation through our website, or any other channel you acknowledge and agree to have read, understood, and have agreed to the terms and conditions set out here below.

Bookings, Payment & VAT

You can book by sending us an email, through our website or Bókun.

We accept payment by credit card (Visa, MasterCard & AMAEX) or by bank transfer in EUR & USD

Icelandic currency is the Icelandic Króna (ISK)

Our quotes are NET in ISK.

Please note that all prices for the services provided by Travel Beyond, or any third-party supplier, are in the local currency, Icelandic Krona (ISK). Travel Beyond cannot be held responsible for currency fluctuations and/or additional fees outside of their control, that may be applied, such as bank transfer fees, credit card fees, etc. VAT is included in all prices quoted.

The final price of your local currency will depend on the currency conversion offered by your credit card provider or bank at the date of the transaction.

Package tours:

Upon booking, a 20% non-refundable deposit is required, with the balance expected no later than 4 weeks prior to the tour’s start. For established partners, please note that a different payment structure may apply. In the event of delayed payment, Travel Beyond retains the right to treat non-payment as a cancellation, leading to the withdrawal of service confirmation.


As we start to incur costs from the time a service is confirmed, we will apply cancellation charges as shown below, from the time when written notification of the cancellation is received. These cancellation terms do not apply to cancellations made on behalf of Travel Beyond, or any third-party supplier, only if the customer makes the cancellation.

Our cancellation policy follows the industry standard and the standard set by the Icelandic Travel Industry Association.

Cancelation is possible at any time by email by the person who made the original booking.

Refund payments will be refunded by the same method as the original payment.

Please keep in mind that these terms apply to the whole package. Cancellation of activities or individual elements of the package may not be subject to refund, after the package has been booked.

If changes are made to a confirmed package tour. A change fee off 15000 ISK will be charged per change.

Cancellation of Package tour

More than 41 days prior to departure: 80% refund

28-40 days prior to departure: 70% refund

14-27 days prior to departure: 50% refund

4-13 days prior to departure: 25% refund

3 days prior or less and no-shows: No refund

Please note that tours operated by third party operators may have stricter cancellation policies.

If guest´s ignore our instructions or rules and/or are threatening to our staff and/or other guests we reserve the right to remove the ones in question out of the tour without any refund.

 Changes/alterations to tours

Travel Beyond reserves the right to alter the route of itinerary of any of its tours and arrange alternative carriers to those advertised if necessary. No refunds will be given in these circumstances or in the event of any delay, curtailment or alteration of a trip resulting from any cause including severe weather conditions, closed roads or mechanical failure.

Pick-up & Drop-off Services

Travel Beyond, offer pick-up and drop-off services for most of our tours. Please read the tour description very carefully to see if pick-up and drop-off services are included in the price, if not then it can be added as an extra, or if the activity in question only offers the option of meeting-on-location.

You, as the traveler, are responsible for your pick-up. This includes providing Travel Beyond with your correct pick-up location with good notice, as well as being ready at the correct time for the pick-up for your tour. Please keep in mind that the pick-up time and departure time can be different. Travel Beyond, or any of its third-party suppliers, will provide you with information about your pick-up time on your voucher, which is provided upon booking. If you are unsure when to be ready for your scheduled tour, please contact us at info@travelbeyond.is.

Force Majeure

Force majeure clauses allows Travel Beyond to leave a contract temporarily or permanently, in whole or in part, for catastrophes that were not foreseeable. These catastrophes must cause severe disruption to fulfill a contractual obligation. A force majeure clause triggers when extraordinary circumstances exist.

Triggering events may include:

  • War
  • Earthquakes
  • Tornadoes
  • Epidemics
  • Pandemics
  • Volcanic eruptions

Travel Beyond shall not be liable or responsible for any loss, interruption, delay or error including any loss, interruption, delay or error because of circumstances beyond its control (which includes, but is not limited to, acts of civil or military authority, national emergencies, pandemic, labor difficulties, fire, equipment failure, mechanical breakdown, flood or catastrophe, volcanic eruptions, insurrection, war, terrorism, riots or failure of communication or power supply), or any other cause beyond Travel Beyond’s control.

Provided that any loss, interruption, delay, or error is not caused by the willful misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence, or reckless disregard of Travel Beyond, its owners, employees, or agents in the performance of Travel Beyond’s duties and obligations under this Agreement. Travel Beyond acts in good faith, and cannot be held responsible for any agent, hotel, coach operator, airline, guide, restaurant, or any other person’s or company’s acts, defaults or delays.

Personal belongings

Passengers are responsible for the safety of their own belongings. We accept no responsibility for loss or damage to personal belongings or baggage.

Travel insurance

Safety is of paramount importance to us at Travel Beyond and we pride ourselves in our attention to detail regarding safety on all our tours and of the knowledge, experience and expertise of our guides and staff members. We do however strongly advise that all passengers have in place their own adequate travel insurance against issues such as illness, injury, loss or damage to personal belongings, and not being able to travel on the confirmed departure date.


Vehicle Agreement – Terms & Conditions


Obligations of the responsible client:

  1. Driver shall be at least 25 years of age and shall have held a valid driver’s license for at least 2 years. With the addition of the Young Driver’s Supplement that age can be lowered to 21 years.
  2. The vehicle shall be the responsibility of the client from the time it is received until such time it is returned.
  3. Travel Beyond shall be authorized to charge the credit card of the client for the use of the vehicle as well as other payments that the client must pay according to the use and its terms, including payments for damages to the vehicle during the period of the tour. Travel Beyond has the sole right to determine when this will be done and whether this is done in one or more payments. This right shall remain in force for six months after the vehicle has been returned.
  4. The vehicle shall be handled and driven carefully. Only those designated as drivers with valid driving license are authorized to drive the vehicle. During the tour the vehicle is guided, the instructions of the guide must be fully complied with. The client is liable for all damage resulting from use of the vehicle that will not be compensated for by the vehicle’s insurance company. This includes damage to the vehicle and/or injury to passengers due to the following:
  5. off-road driving;
  6. driving without guidance across rivers or any kind of waters ;
  7. intentional acts or gross negligence;
  8. use of intoxicants by the driver;
  9. vehicle use that contravenes Icelandic law and/or the provisions of this lease.
  10. In the event of a collision or accident during the tour, the client shall immediately notify the guide.
  11. Travel Beyond is not responsible for the disappearance of or damage to property that the client or any other party leaves in or transports with the vehicle.
  12. The client agrees to pay Travel Beyond, upon request:


Travel Beyond Obligations:

  1. Travel Beyond undertakes to supply the vehicle at the agreed time and to see that it meets lawful requirements.
  2. Travel Beyond shall inform the client of the content of this agreement, particularly as regards the obligations that the client undertakes by signing it.
  3. Travel Beyond shall to the best of it´s ability inform a foreign client of Icelandic traffic regulations, traffic signs and of prohibitions against off-road driving.
  4. Travel Beyond shall be committed to keep the real-time location of his vehicles confidential and only use it
  5. when searching for a vehicle or in case of emergency;
  6. when a possible breakdown in the vehicle is taking place, and
  7. for monitoring when the vehicle needs normal maintenance.
  8. Travel Beyond undertakes to maintain valid liability insurance for his business operations and mandatory liability insurance for all his vehicles.


  1. The clients fee includes mandatory vehicle insurance, including liability insurance and accident insurance for the driver and the owner.
  2. Third-party liability insurance will consist of the amount stipulated by Icelandic law at any given time.
  3. This loss damage waiver insurance does notcover:
  4. intentional damage or damage due to gross negligence on the part of the driver/clients;
  5. damage resulting from the driver being under the influence of alcohol, stimulants or sedatives, or in any other way incapable of driving the vehicle in a safe manner;
  6. damage due to racing or test driving;
  7. damage due to war, revolution, civil unrest, riots;
  8. damage done by animals;
  9. holes burned into seats, carpets or mats;
  10. damage affecting only wheels, wheel rims, tires, suspension, batteries, glass, or loss by theft of parts of the vehicle and damage resulting therefrom.
  11. damage caused by driving on rough roads such as to the vehicle’s transmission, drivetrain or other parts of the underside resulting from the vehicle scraping rough road surfaces.  The same applies to damage occurring when stones strike the underside of the vehicle;
  12.  damage resulting from driving in places where vehicle traffic is banned, such as paths, tracks, banks of snow, ice, unbridged rivers, brooks or streams, beaches, places only accessible at low tide, or other trackless areas.
  13. damage caused by sand, gravel, ash, pumice, or other kinds of soil material being blown onto the vehicle.
  14. the loss incurred by Travel Beyond due to theft of the vehicle;
  15. water damage to the vehicle.
  16. In all other respects, reference is made to the terms of loss damage waiver insurance.
  17. The loss of ignition keys. The client shall be responsible for the cost of replacement, including the cost incurred by the lessor in bringing a new key to the lessee.


General Provisions:

  1. The consent form will always be kept at Travel Beyond HQ.
  2. Additions and amendments to the terms of this agreement shall be in writing.
  3. Travel Beyond is allowed to assume possession of the vehicle at any time and without notice if parked illegally or if it has been used in a manner inconsistent with this agreement or in contravention to law or regulations or if the vehicle appears abandoned.
  4. If smoking takes place in the vehicle, the client is obligated to pay for cleaning the vehicle according to the schedule of charges of Travel Beyond in each instance.
  5. The client confirms with his signature to the consent form that if the vehicle suffers loss or damage for which the client is responsible, the following documentation shall be viewed as adequate proof for the cost and extent of such loss or damage, regardless of whether a civil lawsuit for such a claim is pursued or not:
  6. An itemized bill from a certified garage that has received a CABAS certification according to the CABAS damage assessment system and/or the assessment from a certified garage that has received a CABAS certification according to the CABAS assessment system.
  7. Photographs of the damage to the vehicle.
  8. A signed lease agreement.
  9. In case of minor damage, up to ISK 300,000, a completed damage report by a Travel Beyond employee.
  10. The laws of Iceland shall apply to agreements based on the above terms, including damage claims that may be made. This applies both to the basis and calculation of compensation. The same applies to damage claims on the basis of compensation responsibility outside agreements. If a dispute arises over this consent agreement (or claims for damages of the vehicle and/or related cost), it shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Reykjavík District Court (or the district court of the area where the damage occurred in accordance with article 41 of the Act on Civil Procedure no. 91/1991) and both parties to this agreement specifically agree to the jurisdiction of the Icelandic courts in any such cases.